Monday 2 August 2010

Eta, Part II - Syntax (part I)

Many people have pointed out that language designers tend to obsess over syntax far too much and that their time would be better spent thinking about the semantics of their languages. Some (usually those who are either more academically inclined or old lispers) go so far as claiming that syntax is ultimately irrelevant, since a) which syntax someone prefers is largely a matter of taste anyways and b) every syntax becomes 'natural' after sufficient exposure.
Well, this topic has been discussed thoroughly, and I will only add to it to the extent that I am going to justify my own design decisions on the matter.
On the most abstract level a program can be thought of as a nested structure of operations being applied to sub-units which again consist of operations being applied to sub-sub-units, and so forth. Within a compiler this structure is usually represented as a so-called AST (abstract syntax tree).
If we print out an AST in parenthesized polish notation we would essentially end up with Lisp's syntax. This very elegant idea has a couple of advantages - it is extremely simple, easy to parse and totally generic (note though that the oft-heralded homoiconicity of Lisps is a red herring in my opinion - in every language that I know of it would not be difficult to represent a program's AST in the language itself).
On the other hand - at least for me - this genericity makes programs more difficult to read, especially at a glance, since it lacks redundancy. In Lisp the only carriers of information about the structure of a program are the names of operations and the nesting structure. In most main-stream languages however syntax is used as an additional redundant channel of communication. This redundancy makes it much easier to quickly grasp the structure of a piece of source code.
Have a look at this bit of C for example:

 3 struct Point
 4     {
 5     float x, y;
 6     };
 8 float point_dist(Point p1, Point p2)
 9     {
10     float dx = p2.x-p1.x, dy = p2.y-p1.y;
12     return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
13     }

We can see that the same basic functionality is provided by very different syntactical elements depending on the context. The separation of terms for example is done by whitespace (top-level), ',' (declarations) and ';' (statements). Grouping is done by '()' (arithmetics, actually not shown in this example), operator precedence (arithmetics) and '{}' (statements). The application of an operation to arguments is expressed either in infix notation (arithmetics), prefix with '()' (function call), plain prefix (flow control keywords) or implicitly (declarations).
Of course this mess is far removed from the theoretical purity of Lisp's S-expressions. However it allows us to very quickly distinguish between different kinds of operations and different kinds of lists of terms. Looking for a declaration - spot names separated by whitespace, looking for function calls - find name + '()', and so on.
Redundancy therefore clearly serves to support readability (or "glanceability"). Too much of it on the other hand will certainly have an opposite effect. The optimal syntax will consequently add just enough redundancy to improve readability. (side note: There is also useless redundancy - Pascal is a lot more redundant than C, however mostly due to the fact that it uses keywords instead of punctuation and longer keywords. In my opinion this reduces readability. A similar argument could be made for Java.)
To maximize the effect of syntax it is also important that there is as little ambiguity in the correspondence between syntactic elements and semantic structure as possible. A nice counter-example is provided by C++. By "overloading" old syntax it becomes a lot harder to read (quickly) than C.
In Eta I wanted the overall look to stay somewhere in the vicinity of a traditional curly-brace language. At the same time I wanted it to be as simple and regular as possible while defining an unambiguous relationship between syntactic elements and semantics. (side note: This sounds a lot more goal-oriented than it was. Actually it took me quite a while to find out that these were the goals I was aiming for.)
This post is already long enough however, therefore I will postpone the details of Eta's syntax to the next post. As a small teaser the example from above rewritten in Eta:

1 Point @ type : (x @ float, y @ float)
3 point_dist(p1 @ Point, p2 @ Point) @ float :
4     {
5     dx @ float : p2.x-p1.x
6     dy @ float : p2.y-p1.y
8     <- sqrt` dx*dx + dy*dy
9     }

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